Database of Armenian photo-media practitioners

Mirrored Parallels: Bertha Martirosyan

Mirrored Parallels: Bertha Martirosyan

April, 2019
Dalan Gallery, Yerevan

Yerevan is a city full of architectural contrasts.

Walking in the modern city center, you look around, and without even trying hard, you notice old buildings that lead you to hidden places. In front of a new modern business center you can find an old and demolished stone structure that was once a house or store dating more than a hundred years.

Using a mirror, I tried to show two different realities within each other, two different “faces” of the same city. There are very few old buildings that were reconstructed and have kept their integrity, the other ones were destroyed or are in the process of being destroyed.

I can say the same things about historical monuments that are in the worst possible deteriorating condition and soon will be crushed to free the space for the new “modern” buildings.

This is not only about the buildings, but about people living and working there, walking and thinking there - in parallel realities.

Bertha Martirosyan

April 9-15
