Arthur Avetisyan
1990 - 1990s
Arthur Avetisyan is a painter by profession. At the beginning of his career, in the late 1980s, Avetisyan also made some experiments in art photography, creating a series of staged photographs which were published in the magazine ‘Garun’ (Spring) in 1990-91. Collaborating with Artashes Babayan, German Avagyan and other young photographers, he attempted to introduce ordain experimental photography within the cultural scene of Armenia.
Uninterested in the documentary faculties of the medium, Avetisyan used the camera as a means of abstracting and transforming the world. His work emphasized the essence of the photograph as a fetishized, mysterious, and sexually charged space. Employing devices borrowed from the tradition of expressionist painting and cinema, the artist has often addressed the female body, trying to portray the emotional experience of individual phenomenology as a reality existing in parallel to the social realm.
In the second half of the 1990s, Avetisyan emigrated to the Australian city of Adelaide, and currently works only in the field of painting. (1)
1) Avetisyan’s biographical details were provided by the artist in an email correspondence with Vigen Galstyan in 2016.
Australian, Armenian
Australia, USSR, Armenia, ArmSSR
Yerevan, Adelaide
analogue photography
1995։ Solo exhibition of photographic works, Adelaide, Australia