Hovhannes Senekerimi Armenakyan
1947 - 2013
1980 - 2010s
Since 1984, Armenakyan worked with the Avangard newspaper in a photo-correspondent’s capacity. During the 1988-1994 Artsakh War he took an active role in the protection of Tavush border villages as a volunteer of the Yerkrapah batallion. From then on, he collaborated with the daily Hay Zinvor (Armenian Soldier) with his photographs taken in the Armenian army and on battle lines.
Armenakyan has published his documentary series in a 1996 album called Yes mi Zarkn em ko Krvi (I am One Beat of Your Fight), which summed up many of the key moments in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The photographer has been awarded several medals for his military service and bravery.
USSR, Armenia, ArmSSR
Vardenis (b.), Yerevan
documentary, photo correspondent, photojournalist
analogue photography, digital photography
Armenakyan, Hovhannes. Yes mi Zarkn em Ko Krvi, photo album, Parberakan, Yerevan, 1996
Shahnazaryan, Gnel. 'Mer Hoviky', Hay Zinvor, no.2, January, 2013, http://www.hayzinvor.am/18613.html
Kochar, Vahan. Hay Lusankarichner, self-published, Yerevan, 2007, p.91