Database of Armenian photo-media practitioners

Toros Jebraili Abrahamyan

1916 - 2003

1930 - 1980s

After moving from Turkey to Beirut in 1932, Toros Abrahamyan found employment as an assistant at Sahak Sahakyan's photography studio located in Burj Hamood district.

Having worked there for more than a decade, Abrahamyan opened his own establishment, first in Beirut, then also in Hamtun spa resort. Not long after branching out on his own, Abrahamyan became an official photographer of Beirut University. In 1955, he emigrated once more, settling in Sao Paulo, Brazil where he continued to practice photography until the late 1980s. 

Abrahamyan has photographed important figures from Brazil’s Armenian community and has documented the visits of Vazgen I, the Catholicos of All Armenians in 1960, 1968 and 1984.


Brazilian, Lebanese, Armenian


Brazil, Lebanon


Beirut, Sao-Paolo


studio, documentary


analogue photography


Kochar, Vahan. Hay Lusankarichner [in Armenian], self-published, 2007, p.59